A Message to Our Writers

A message to our writers

We hope this post finds you healthy and safe.

On behalf of all of us at Calhoun & Company Communications and our winery clients, our thoughts and hearts go out to all experiencing hardship right now due to this pandemic.

We give thanks to our regional and national medical personnel who are at the frontlines battling this virus. Our C&C team is sheltering in place by working from home for the upcoming weeks to support the goal of healthy environments and safety. 

We have asked ourselves what is appropriate in this time and how can we best support not only our winery clients, but hopefully you, our writers, with material and content of interest for your readers and listeners to learn from and enjoy. We aim to pitch stories that respect our medical community’s advice to social distance and support your readers in that effort.  We will continue to revisit our means of communication as the situation evolves. 

Calhoun & Company is also offering a Wine Line Lunch Hour conversation pro bono for wineries to ask PR questions, gather ideas and suggestions to help promote their brands during this time (more to come).

If you are working on a story, please do not hesitate to reach out for materials, video or phone interviews and samples as possible. We have many wonderful clients, people, stories and wines to share: 

Please take good care of yourself and others.  We look forward to staying in touch, despite social distancing. Our team can be reached at 415-346-2929.  

All best, Katie, Michelle, Kela, Megan and Jordan

Megan Belden